
Razi Institute of Medical Sciences Peshawar

Razi Institute of Medical Sciences,Ring road, dalazak road, near Momin town, Peshawar.contact: 0092-3459049045Email: rims2003@yahoo.comWebsite: http://www.rimstest.site11.com The Razi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) was established

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Razi Institute of Medical Sciences Peshawar

Razi Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ring road, dalazak road, near Momin town, Peshawar.
contact: 0092-3459049045
Email: rims2003@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.rimstest.site11.com

The Razi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) was established in 2002 by the Human Development & Relief Society in Peshawar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and provides paramedical courses. The Institute offers two-year diploma courses in twelve different faculties. The Razi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) was established in 2002 by the Human Development & Relief Society in Peshawar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and provides paramedical courses. The Institute offers two-year diploma courses in twelve different faculties.

The Razi Institute of Medical Sciences, (RIMS) is a Private Paramedical Institute in Peshawar under the affiliation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Faculty Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. RIMS offers two years diploma course in twelve different faculties/technologies. Students are being trained in Government and private sector teaching hospitals.


  1. Health Technology
  2. Pathology (Laboratory) Technology
  3. Anaesthesia Technology
  4. Dental Technology
  5. Pharmacy Technology
  6. Radiology (X-Ray) Technology
  7. Surgical (O.T) Technology
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