
FATA children to get free domicile in school

Children in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) will now get domiciles free from their schools. The initiative taken on direction of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Secretary

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Children in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) will now get domiciles free from their schools. The initiative taken on direction of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Secretary Muhammad Azam Khanbwill end the praftice of people acquiring forged domiciels from tribal areas to get employment and other benfits on priority.

Similarly, the tribal people too will be absolved of the hassle to acquire the document deemed necessary to allow them access to the facilities in shape of admissions, scholarships and jobs.

Free domicile distribution at school level was launched in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) on the direction of K-P Chief Secretary Muhammad Azam Khan.

In this connection a ceremony was held at Govt Higher Secondary School Ghallanai Mohmand Agency where Political Agent (PA) Mohmand Agency Mehmood Aslam Wazir along with official of education department distributed 750 free domicile certificate among boys and girls to be filled by the school head master a senior teacher and two tribal elders of the area to facilitate the schoolchildren of 9th and 10th classes.

“Though the process of issuing domicile is different in K-P and Fata, we decided to adopt the initiative for the larger interest of schoolchildren,” Wazir said.

He said a committee in every public and private school will coordinate with each other in this regard. In past every student had to deposit Rs220 to political administration for acquiring a domicile which were later deposited in TESCO account as electricity bill.

Additional political agent will look after the issuing of domiciles and all hurdles will be removed in the process, he said. Agency education officer Faridullah Khan Mehsood who handed over the domicile forms to school head master termed the move a major development for the benefit or the tribal people.

However, he warned the school authorities not issue  Fata domicile to outsiders. Children said most of Fata student are poor and have no money to deposit electricity bills as well as stamp paper money and remain deprived of domicile.

On the other hand some participants have shown concern in the process that in this way fake domicile certificate, and added that teacher belongs to settle area will form fake domicile for their children to get Fata benefits.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 30th, 2018.

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