
Entreaty of Ghani Khan

Entreaty of Ghani Khan is the most famous poem written by Ghani Khan and beautifully sung by Sardar Ali Takkar. Following is the English

Ghani Khan
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Entreaty of Ghani Khan is the most famous poem written by Ghani Khan and beautifully sung by Sardar Ali Takkar. Following is the English translation of the poem along with the song at the end of article.

I do not need your red sculpted lips,

Nor hair in loops like a serpent,s coils

Nor a nape as graceful as a swan,s,

Nor narcissus eyes full of drunkenness,

Nor teeth as perfect as pearls of heaven,

Nor cheeks ruddy and full as pomegranates,

Nor a voice mellifluous as a sarinda,

Nor a figure as elegant as a poplar,

But show me just this one thing, my love,

I seek a heart stained like a poppy flower

Pearls by millions I would gladly cede,

For the sake of tears borne of love and grief.

Roman Pashto

na may sta da nari shudi dy pakar
na da zulfi wal pa wal laka khamar
na da bati pashan danga ghari ghwaram
nargasay stargy na daki da khumar
na ghakhuna dy laluna da adan
na nangy dak sara sara laka anar
na pasti da sarindy pa shan khabari
na wajood laka da saar way mazadar
khu bas yow shai rata ra ukhaya dilbara
da lala pashan zargy ghawaram daghdar
yow dawa ukhaqi chi da ghum ao muhabat way
lakuno laluna dy karam zaar

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