
Valentine’s Day vs Haya Day: 3 Peshawar University students injured in clash

PHOTO: REUTERS While one group of students of Peshawar University celebrated Valentine’s Day, another celebrated Haya Day (modesty day) leading to a clash that

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While one group of students of Peshawar University celebrated Valentine’s Day, another celebrated Haya Day (modesty day) leading to a clash that turned violent, Express News reported on Friday.

Students threw rocks at fellow students, forcing the police to intervene. Violence escalated as the students pulled out weapons and started firing at police officers as well.

The police also fired back and thirteen students were taken into custody. The students also set three rooms of the hostel on fire.

The situation is under control now. Three students were wounded in the clash, local police official Fazalur Rehman 

Adding that police were searching for the students involved to arrest them. One student had a gunshot wound to his hand, he added.

Valentine’s Day is increasingly popular among younger Pakistanis, many of whom have taken up the custom of giving cards, chocolates and gifts to their sweethearts to celebrate the occasion.

But Pakistan remains a deeply traditional Muslim society where many disapprove of Valentine’s Day as a Western import.


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