A women’s rights organization in Peshawar has forced its media coordinator to resign after bringing a 6-month-old baby to office. Zeenat Bibi mentioned in a tweet that none of her family member lives in Peshawar thus she can’t leave her baby in home. She sent the resignation letter to NGO which was accepted without hesitation as shared below.
An NGO in #Peshawar Community Appraisal & Motivation Programme #CAMP working for women rights in #KP & Merged Areas forces their Media coordinator to resign since i had to bring my infant child to the office. My Resignation letter, Service ID & picture with my infant child… pic.twitter.com/E5NE0iSb65
— Zeenat Khan (@Zeenatwrites) December 10, 2019
She mentioned that the organization CAMP is working on the name of women’s right yet thier own employees were deprived from these basic rights.