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Pashto Songs and Pashto Music

Pashto Songs and Pashto Music are the product of the cultural, traditional, and social influences of the Pashtun people. The native land of the Pashtun

In search of meaning

Insightful rhythms Kamila Shamsie Photo: G.P. Sampath Kumar Kamila Shamsie is among the brightest stars in the firmament of Pakistani writing in English. Author of

Arduino Day 2014 Celebrated in Peshawar 2.0

Engineers, electronics enthusiasts and students celebrated Arduino Day 2014 at Basecamp Peshawar. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and

Stereotyping Pakhtuns

The lady holding my résumé looked at my attire or perhaps at me from head to toe –she spent a few more minutes on my

Bala Hissar: The Red Keep

PHOTO: Moxet Khan “The oldest living city” is how Peshawarites often describe it. Standing on Balahisar Fort, the sense of history breaking and rebuilding itself