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Digital Youth Summit Peshawar 2014

The city’s Shiraz Arena was abuzz on Wednesday with words like ‘digital entrepreneurship’, ‘innovation’, ‘e-commerce’ and ‘start-ups’. Wide-eyed techies and IT sector employees, along with

Writer sees bright future for Pakhtun women

Renowned poet and fiction writer Dr Salma Shaheen, who enjoys a unique status among literary circles, attained superannuation as the first-ever woman director from Pashto

Linguist completes Pashto dictionary after 36 years

When 78-year-old linguist presented the 50,000-odd-entry, 2.5-million-word handwritten manuscript for his Chinese-Pashto dictionary to his publishing house in 2012, nobody knew quite what to say. The

Home of the charsi tikka

Taming the flame on a charcoal grill is perhaps easier than suppressing your appetite in Namakmandi, Peshawar. The brain is involuntarily overwhelmed with thoughts of

The Peshawari Revolution

Peshawar is calling the next generation of digital innovators in Pakistan for Digital Youth Summit (DYS) 2014. It is a first of its kind technology