
The educated ruiners of our education system

Finally the result is out and admission season for matric pass students has begun, you will witness numerous private colleges offering admissions to these

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Finally the result is out and admission season for matric pass students has begun, you will witness numerous private colleges offering admissions to these students especially if you are residing in FAQIRABAD or somewhere around this area.

I reckon Zaryab Colony Faqirabad should be given the 2nd name “Base Of Educational Avocations”.

Every unemployed educated individual have started the venture of opening a new college in a compartmented yard by partnership in this area and subdue the students mostly from undeveloped districts/agencies through different tactics like free tuition classes for their college students in evening, a laptop for class topper, half tuition fee for “A” grade students etc.

These young imbeciles also get trapped in their mellifluous words of greed and hence put their career on stake in fact these disguised businessmen devastate their educational career as they lull them in helping and cheating during exams too.

This avocation of money making through educational institutions is getting a momentum and competition among these business centres is on rise by scoring the higher marks through falsehood hence the creative mindset of our young students becomes desolated and they get a new chance to attract the naive students by advertising their marks on billboards.

Society needs attention towards the perilous so called private colleges which are deceiving you and me by placing a renowned lecturer/professor with a position in office and pretend like these colleges are running under the supervision of these professors but in reality they are only here to deliver their tuition classes in evening charging 5000 to 6000 per subject after morning duty of their govt job.

Reasonable steps should be taken to refrain such on rise businesses otherwise this will definitely ruin our real education system.

Member Post : Shahab Shah

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