
Fidya and Fitrana Rates for this Ramzan

Chairman Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, has announced the fixed amount of fitrana and Roza Fidya for this year’s holy month of Ramzan. The

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Chairman Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, has announced the fixed amount of fitrana and Roza Fidya for this year’s holy month of Ramzan.

The cost has been set at a modest Rs. 100 per head.

During a press conference in Karachi, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman directed all Muslims across Pakistan to pay fitrana according to their financial capability. However, Rs. 100 has been set as the bare minimum amount for Muslims.

Those who cannot fast due to any number of reasons may also pay a minimum of Rs. 100 Fidya as compensation for each fast. If anyone cannot fast for the whole month, they should pay Rs. 3,000 – equivalent to the price of flour.

He said that the amount has been set in accordance with the market price of 2.25 kilograms of flour which sums up to about Rs. 100 per head.

Other people, who wish to pay Fitrana equal to the price of barley, dates or raisins will have to pay Rs. 320, Rs. 1,680 or Rs. 1,600 per head, respectively. Fidya is set at Rs. 19,200 for barley, Rs. 96,000 for dates and Rs. 96,000 for raisin for the whole month of Ramzan.

However, Kufara for leaving all fasts is Rs. 6,000 for wheat, Rs. 14,400 for barley, Rs. 76,800 for dates and Rs. 153,600 for raisin.

Any Muslim who possesses excess food items needs to pay Sadqa-e-Fitrbefore the day of Eid. If the same person is also responsible for his family or has other dependents, he must also pay Sadqa for them as well. Mufti Muneeb advised people to pay Fitrana before Eid-ul-Fitr. He said that the most deserving people are neighbors and the needy.

Muneeb-ur-Rehman added that it is the spirit of Ramzan to help a destitute person and that it would be better if such people are taken care of by paying their meal costs. Wealthier individuals should extend their help and pay more, especially during a time when inflation is high.

What is Fitrana

Fitrana is mandatory charity paid by Muslims at the end of Ramadan. Fidya. Fidya is for people who have a valid reason for not fasting, (like illness, pregnancy or old-age). It involves paying to provide a person’s daily sustenance, for every fast that they miss.

via ProPakistani

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