
21 richest Islamic Countries in the World

Qatar has the third-largest reserves of natural gas in the world, and it has invested heavily in infrastructure to liquefy and export it, as

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Qatar has the third-largest reserves of natural gas in the world, and it has invested heavily in infrastructure to liquefy and export it, as well as to diversify its economy.

The only Islamic nuclear power Pakistan is ranked 19th in 21 richest Islamic countries per capita in the world.

21 richest Islamic countries are:

  1. Qatar: $79,000
  2. Brunei: $51,600
  3. UAE: $49,600
  4. Kuwait: $48,900
  5. Bahrain: $40,300
  6. Oman: $25,600
  7. Saudi Arabia: $24,200
  8. Malaysia: $14,700
  9. Turkey: $12,300
  10. Iran: $10,600
  11. Tunisia: $9,400
  12. Algeria: $7,300
  13. Egypt: $6,200
  14. Jordan: $5,400
  15. Syria: $4,800
  16. Indonesia: $4,200
  17. Iraq: $3,800
  18. Yemen: $2,700
  19. Pakistan: $2,500
  20. Sudan: $2,300
  21. Bangladesh: $1,700
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