
Updates about March 11, 2012


Pukhtunwali – Pashtunwali Code

The native Pashtun tribes, who are often described as fiercely independent people, have inhabited the Pashtunistan region since at least the 1st millennium BC. Much

Pashto Botanical Names

Adaipashtawar     Abelia Triflora Aghzakai     Prosopis Spicigera Anar     Punicis Grantsum Badar     Taxus Baccata Bahan     Populus Euphratica Bajur     Picea Webbiana Bandukai

Pashto Romantic Phrases

Za ta sara meena kwam = I love you. Ta zama khwakh ye = I like you. Za ta der yadawom = I miss you

History Of Haiko

Haiku/Haiko is a very important form of traditional Japanese poetry. It is believed to have originated in the 17th century. Haikus are designed to convey