
14 police stations to be set up in North Waziristan

North Waziristan district police officer Shafiullah Khan said on Saturday that land had been acquired for establishing 14 police stations and courts across the

Police Station Waziristan
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North Waziristan district police officer Shafiullah Khan said on Saturday that land had been acquired for establishing 14 police stations and courts across the district.

Addressing a gathering of police personnel in the Tehsil Jirga Hall, he said that a total of 14 police stations had been sanctioned for the district. Presently, he added, three police stations, one each in Miranshah, Mir Ali and Razmak, were functional while the remaining 11 would also be made operational shortly.

Mr Shafiullah directed the policemen to perform their duties honestly, adding that a performance-based promotion mechanism would be devised to encourage hardworking officers. However, he hastened to add: “It should be clear to everyone that disciplinary action, including forced termination, would be taken against those found involved in negligence.”

He said that the police should play their due role in putting the militancy-hit Waziristan on track to peace and prosperity.

Published in Dawn, July 28th, 2019

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